Sunday 16 October 2011

Summer 2011 update 8/16: Nõmme Seikluspark @ Tallinn

One more update, and I believe the first half of my last summer stories is pretty much told. We've reached mid-July, wo-hoo.. :)

We took a day trip to Tallinn and headed to Nõmme Seikluspark to climb in some trees. :) I read afterwards that Flowpark in Turku should be pretty similar. It was a really nice experience, though I was quite exhausted as it takes a lot of physical fitness and endurance to manage all the tracks through. It may seem easy from the ground level.

On the way back to harbour I had a moment to check out the Ölletorn restaurant which I've wanted to see for quite some time. It was nice, but admitted, nothing that special. I confirmed, however, that they do have a large selection of Estonian beers. And waterpipes!

(Yes, there's also Suomenlinna one more time.. taken from aboard the Viking XPRS :)

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