Saturday 19 January 2013

Rally time: Ouninpohja 2012 & Mäntsälä 2013

So here's one event from the past, and one from the very present. What's common for them both? Rally cars!

Last summer, in the beginning of August, we checked out the legendary Ouninpohja Special Stage at Neste Oil Rally Finland with my son. It was great. Some people criticize that WRC is more business than motorsport these days, and they're probably right. It was dreadfully expensive afternoon, but the event was well organized and a nice experience nevertheless.

Today we got to witness somewhat different level of rally experience. The national F-Cup's start-up rally, Ramirent Mäntsälä Ralli was held nearby. How convenient, particularly Special Stage 4 was run within a walking distance from our house, so we decided to check it out. The weather was cold outside (around -20c degrees of Celcius), but sunny, and the feeling was definitely there. The business aspect was conveniently toned down: just coffee, hot juice and warm sausages were available, and that was all we needed! :)

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