Thursday 12 January 2012

Summer 2011 revisited, part #1: Breweries

I thought to make some more use of the ka-zillion pictures I took last summer.

Here are a couple of shots from breweries or restaurants servicing local beer I visited during the Bothnian Sea Coast Tour.

The breweries were:

Uusikaupunki - Vakka-Suomen Panimo
Pori - Beer Hunter's
Pori - Karhupanimo
Nokia - Nokian Panimo
I also drove through Laitila - Laitilan Wirvoitusjuomatehdas

It was a waste of perfectly good beer in the sense that I was travelling by car. In Pori, I could allow just to taste a few sips of the beer and couldn't even ask for any "doggy mugs" to take with me, as the Finnish alcohol law doesn't allow exports like that.

Sadly, not all places served their beers on half pint glasses either, Karhupanimo being the prime example, so I wasted a good deal of scarce money too. But I guess it was just for the sake of experience that I could report all about into here. :)

Folks, don't drink & drive, that's my motto too!

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