Saturday 14 May 2011

Vesiliikennepäivä @ Pihlajasaari

Today Helsinki had the "Water Transit Day". It was a bit badly advertised though, as Google would give more hits for the past 2009 or 2010 events than the current 2011 one!

Anyway, Vesiliikennepäivä is arranged somewhat at the start of the "Water transit season", with travel discounts to many interesting places - City of Helsinki's recreational islands. We chose Pihlajasaari. It was a bit unfortunate that the weather had turned colder, and more cloudy. And when the wind blows from the sea, brrr, you feel it all the way to the bones..

On the way back we stopped at Vanhankaupunginlahti (I though my son would like to see it, and I was right ;).

PS. Now it's time to follow anxiously how Paradise Oskar will do in the Eurovision Song Contest - and tomorrow it would be time for the Hockey World Championship finals.. Go Finland go!!!

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