Friday 23 July 2010

Tour de Road 25: Lohja

I've been on summer holiday now for two weeks, and due to family situation I can't make much plans for longer trips at the moment. So I decided to take "Tour de Road 25", with a simple target that I will spend at least one night in Hanko.

Road 25 (Route 25) is also called "Kehä V", it's a circular road from Hanko to Hyvinkää. From Mäntsälä to Porvoo it is called Route 55. Some bigger cities along the road are Porvoo, Mäntsälä, Hyvinkää, Nummela, Lohja, Raasepori.

I started from Mäntsälä in the morning, and my first stop was the Tytyri Mine museum at Lohja. Pyhän Laurin Kirkko is also very nice.

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