Monday 8 March 2010

Nothing much to Prag about

Tourism is what tourist does. Now don't get me wrong.. I understand that people work to get money, and price level in Prague is ovbiously higher than in Ostrava (for example) so either you need to get paid more, or work more. Also, Prague is crowded with tourists from all over the world. Including Americans. And Americans especially have this "tipping culture" for good service. So, tourists are supposed to give tips when they think they've received good service.. right?

I was faced with the situation several times in Prague's old town pubs and restaurants: usually I wasn't even getting much of service, barely even a smile, but I still was supposed to pay more as "please note that service is not included, in general you can give ten percent" was frequently stated when getting the bill (usually after waiting five minutes to get it).

Now again, don't get me wrong, but I was happy to give tip in Ostrava, especially when not being constantly reminded to do so. Really, waiters were more friendly and I was getting served fast. And everything didn't cost so much in overall. I don't even want to imagine what things might be like during the high season..

But well, I guess that is how the world turns these days. Deset bodů pro Olomouc..

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