Sunday 18 January 2009

A brief visit to Matka 2009 Nordic Travel Fair

I went to see Helsinki's main annual travel fair this weekend, looking for new ideas and good offers.
I guess I eventually ended up in making another ad hoc goal - to take part in as many competitions as possible. And there was a lot of them. The prizes were naturally travel-related.

In overall, the event was quite crowded but still nice. Pretty much the whole world was covered, there were things to see for 3-4 hours, easily. I got a load of brochures, my kid's name written in a paper with Japanese characters. I also bought guidebooks and some kalakukko. And, ahem, a trip to Malta for next autumn. :)

I might go there next year too, though all the best offers and most of the competitions were already available on the internet. But maybe it's all about the athmosphere?

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