Had a chance to try out this trio - and they all tasted really good! (Well, to be honest, Metsän Henki was my least favourite and Amerikan Serkku was the best.)
In case you're wondering, here are a few pictures of the project that kept me occupied during summer 2012 vacation. Sure I thought it was going to take only a few days - but it took two weeks, block by block, every now and then..
I had a perfect opportunity for half a day to visit southern Sweden. I took the train across the bay, I came, I saw, and I thought that Malmö was NICE! ;)
I'm adding Christiania as a separate update as I'm not sure of what exactly is its' formal status within Denmark. But it was surely an interesting and rather unique place to visit.
So, this is it, the long awaited update about a trip abroad.
And what are my semi-legendary comments? "The autumnish Copenhagen was nice!"
Oh, and btw, I've already been to Copenhagen once years ago, and visited their HRC then.. which was a good thing, as I would've not had time on this visit!