Sunday 25 April 2010

Signs of spring 2010, part III

Not there yet, but soon the nature will bloom, for sure..

Friday 16 April 2010

Kinda stranded

Nah, I don't feel that way. The airports in Northern Europe are all closed for a few days because of the smoke from volcanic eruption in the Eyjafjallajoekull in Iceland could break the jets' engines.

I don't feel the need to fly anywhere this weekend, but I think where this might show in the end is that all the things I might miss from abroad cannot fly to me. For example some equipment I ordered for my car.

Another thing is that there was a one-day union strike in many of the shops today. No flights, no food.. hmm, get me out of here! ;)

Monday 12 April 2010

Cold, freezing, Kauppatori..

Today is such a nice and sunny spring day. It was nice to enjoy warm coffee in a torikahvila (orange "tent cafeteria").

(The title refers to the sea breeze that I just wasn't quite prepared to handle after living so long time "inland".. :)

Saturday 10 April 2010

Signs of spring 2010, part 2

Seems that for once I was wrong, most of the snow has disappeared FAST. Now all we'd need are no more sub zero nights, and then the trees will turn to green..

Saturday 3 April 2010

Signs of spring (2010 remake)

Oh c'mon get it on.. Temperature is quite solidly climbing above zero degrees of Celcius, but it will take several weeks before all the snow has melted.. :/

(The bottom picture is from Lukkokoski near Neste Tuuliruusu gas station, by the way..)