Sunday 23 August 2009

Peurunka, Laukaa

For the next five days I'm going to do sports, sports, sports. It's a thing called kuntoremontti, "health improvement" programme. It includes a lot of exercises, all kinds of fitness tests, and a few lectures too. And scenery couldn't be better - the sunset is from tonight, from the top of Multamäki hill hiking trail.

Getting here was also kind of trial of fire for my "new" car. Luckily it seemed to pass the test without any problems. :)

Valkosipulimarkkinat @ Kerava

This Saturday. The weather was really nice and fragance of garlic was all around.

The last picture is from today, there was Crazy Drivers Stunt Show in Mäntsälä. I would've liked to take my son there but I was already elsewhere.. ;)

New wheels

A new (used) car was what I was really looking for from Hyrylä. It will be easier to survive winter time in Mäntsälä with this baby.

Summer holiday - part 1

My holiday began at the end of last week with a visit to Ilmatorjuntamuseo ("Anti-aircraft warfare museum") in Hyrylä. Then we went to Linnanmäki with my son, to meet some of my colleagues who were there also.

Monday 17 August 2009

On the land, in the air and at the sea

It was my wife's birthday weekend, and I had a secret plan prepared to surprise her. Preparations and plan execution involved quite a lot of different means for transportation between places - a bike, a car, a train, a bus, a cruise boat and even a helicopter!

In short, the event started on Saturday with a visit to the Helsinki Airshow at the Malmi Airfield, and ended on Sunday afternoon when M/S Baltic Princess returned to Länsisatama. We didn't step on to land (Tallinn) this time.

the helicopter ride was really nice experience even though it only lasted for 10 minutes. (It was Bell 206B Jet Ranger, not the one in the picture).

Sunday 9 August 2009

A few pictures from tonight

Something old, something new

The weekend continued with very good weather. So, yesterday evening we (me @ the kid) did a brief visit to the beautiful Old Town of Porvoo. And today morning we went to Sepänmäki for the annual "country style market" summer event, with a lot of local handmade items, food & and stuff for sale.

Friday 7 August 2009

Hot air balloon flying - National championships

In Mäntsälä, this year. The competion lasts four days, but today there was a public event, with a jazz band. And hot air balloons of course.

You should've seen the look on my son's face when the balloon lifted up from the ground..

Wednesday 5 August 2009


Had a very enjoyable domestic "city break" with the family, in overall. Among other things, we saw Seikkailupuisto, the Turku castle and spent some time on the beach at Ruissalo.

Sunday 2 August 2009

Along Salpausselkä

This weekend I took my son to the Finnish Railroad Musem, and then to Sveitsi in Hyvinkää.

On Sunday we drove to Lahti, to check the view from the ski jump tower. Then we headed for some play time in the Family Park (Perhepuisto) at Laune.

I think that Hyvinkää is kind of like mini-Lahti. Why didn't we move to there..